If you have been injured at work, consider consulting with an attorney at Wertz Law, as they are workers’ compensation specialists. Consulting with a workers’ compensation specialist becomes more important if the claim is being denied or if the injury results in surgery or is a permanent injury. Even if you think everything is going just fine, you may want to consider talking to one of our workers’ compensation specialists.
First off, there is no cost to consult with an attorney, but more importantly, you need to realize your rights under Iowa’s workers’ compensation laws. Knowledge is power, so knowing your rights, how the system works, and what you are entitled to, can help ensure you are treated fairly. Many times injured workers are getting advice from different sources, which can be conflicting. The workers’ compensation specialists at Wertz Law can make sure you are given accurate information about Iowa’s workers’ compensation system.
Injured workers have many rights under Iowa’s workers’ compensation laws. However, without consulting with a workers’ compensation specialist from Wertz Law, you are essentially relying on an insurance company to be upfront with you and fair with you regarding what you are entitled to. In our experience, workers’ compensation insurance companies do not do a good job of fairly administering the claims for injured workers. So why not, at no expense to you, talk to a workers’ compensation specialist at Wertz Law and find out what you are entitled to and what to expect.
Receiving Medical Care
In a consult with a workers’ compensation specialist at Wertz Law, you can find out if there are any time limits to your claim; how to get medical care; who you can see for medical care; how long medical coverage lasts; compensation for transportation; how much you get paid for missing work; what you get paid for working light duty; how much you get paid for an injury resulting in permanent damage; what happens when you are terminated; and numerous other issues you may face. Get the information you need to make sure you are getting taken care of properly and receiving the benefits you deserve. Since there is no charge, contact the workers’ compensation attorneys at Wertz Law and get the advice you need.